Sunday, October 6, 2024

Computer Rental as a Solo Business

Many people who are not really meant to be employees. People who cannot stand an eight-to-five job with lots of office restrictions. If you were one of those who feel that you cannot be an employee ever, then putting up a business such as a computer rental shop would be best for you. Experts say […]

Buying an Existing Computer Rental Business

Computer rental these days can be a lucrative business especially in those areas where people do not have adequate technological access. But, putting up this type of business can be a hassle especially those who are not really knowledgeable on what pieces of equipment and gadgets to buy. If you are one of those who […]

Applying the 4 P’s of Marketing in Setting Up a Computer Rental Business

These days, when economy is down and the future seems to be unclear, you have to do everything right in order to make things work your way. Having your own business is risky. But if you have the capacity to be able to grow such venture, then go ahead and try your luck. One of […]

Additional Services in a Computer Rental Shop

When people think of a computer rental shop, they immediately think of computer use and internet access. But this is not the only thing that you can provide for your clients. If you want to expand your business and your income, use your space wisely and provide as much service as you can while utilizing […]

A Good Computer Rental Shop

There are a lot of computer rental shops out there that provide the same service as the rest of the pack. But if you want your computer rental shop to stand out among your competitors, check out not only how fast your computers and your internet access are but also the chairs, the tables and […]

Computers And Education – The Information Revolution

As long ago as a couple of decades, the major reason for a family to purchase a computer was to help with the children’s education. Whether it was because the computer could be used to type and print essays, or due to the specific programs that could be bought and used to aid the understanding […]

How Computers Have Linked The World

It is very tricky to talk for a long time about computers without mentioning the Internet. The “web” has gone from being a small acorn a couple of decades ago to being arguably the tallest oak in any forest right now – and given the importance of the Internet in a number of fields, it […]

Computer Addiction – A Genuine Problem?

From parents who are worried about the amount of time their kids spend in front of a monitor to the individual who says they don’t know if they could live without their PC, there are many people in the world who some would accuse of being addicted to their computers. How genuine this “addiction” is […]

Customised Computers – The Way Forward?

Buying a new computer is something that can be extremely simple or grossly complicated depending on how you want to go about it. When you buy your first computer, your best bet may be to go for one that is “boxed and ready”, and simply needs to be taken out of the box and plugged […]

Ahead Of The Curve Or Behind The Times?

Technology can make fools of us all. If you are too slow to pick up on a trend, you will be missing out, or so you’re led to believe. However, jumping on the bandwagon too early can result in costly and embarrassing mistakes – there are attics all over the world that contain pieces of […]