Sunday, October 6, 2024

Cheaper, Faster, Smaller, Better?

When people spend money, they want to get something that means their spending was worthwhile. For every purchase that is made, a standard is set – if your friend has got a computer that does certain things, for a certain price, then you have your benchmark – you want something at least as good, ideally […]

Is It A Computer? Is It A Phone? Wait, It Is Both… And More!

The development of technology over the years has been a source of wonder to many people, and during our lifetimes we will all see developments which will have us saying “I really never thought I would see the day…”. For people who remember a time when taking your computer to the car would have required […]

The Rise Of The Laptop Computer

One of the main elements of technological advance is that over time, any platform will be made smaller. As we had the telephone, now we have the mobile or cell phone. As we had the gramophone, so we invented the record player and eventually the compact disc. And inevitably, while computers started out being so […]

Computing And Language – A Marriage Made In Hell?

About twenty years ago, “computing language” meant one thing, and was something only comprehensible to trained programmers. Yet today, it is much more likely to refer to a type of slang that is used among online communities. This has brought mixed results, some of which may be good and others very, very bad. Some people […]

The Simplification Of Personal Computers

Once upon a time, anyone who knew how to do anything with a computer beyond switching it on would have habitually been referred to as a “geek”. Certainly, if you spent any more than an hour a day using a computer for anything other than work, you would have been considered uncool. However, recently the […]

Your PC – From Box To Desktop

As time goes on, any technological development will be refined and re-refined until it is automatic and can be operated by a trained monkey – and then it will be honed some more. As easy as we now find it to operate a personal computer, there was a time when it required a great deal […]

Great Things About Computers #6: Writing

The development of easier-to-use personal computers has contributed immensely to the ever-greater quantity of writing being done in this day and age. Although opinion will naturally be divided on whether this is a good thing, it has certainly democratized the process considerably, meaning that more and more people can get their writing published or publish […]

Great Things About Computers #5: Email

Before we had email, the world was a different place entirely – but it is hard to think how different because it has become such an accepted part of life that we hardly remember what we did before we could send and receive email. Most of us will use it at least once a day, […]

Great Things About Computers #4: Music

The development of technology dedicated to music has been constant during all of our lifetimes. There will be many people reading this who can remember a time when the choices available for playing music amounted to “cassette or vinyl”, with possibly an 8-track player thrown in out of left field. These days, more and more […]

Great Things About Computers #3: Gaming

If you have a computer for any reason other than work and/or the Internet then the chances are that you are a gamer. There are other ways to play games – dedicated consoles are one such way – but the increased amount of memory available with a home computer means that more complex games are […]